Punjab Governor Chaudhry Sarwar has termed the announcement of giving the right to vote to overseas Pakistanis as a historic government initiative and said that the scope of Overseas Commission is being extended to all districts and overseas Pakistanis will not be left alone.
Providing all these facilities to them is the top priority of the government. ‘Prime Minister Imran Khan is truly building Naya Pakistan. For the first time since 1990, the textile industry in Pakistan is rapidly recovering. The current account is in surplus. Pakistan’s economy is also improving.
Talking to Overseas Pakistani Muhammad Omar Ishaq and business community at Governor’s House Lahore on Wednesday, Governor Punjab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar said that Punjab Cabinet has approved amendments to the Provincial Overseas Act 2014.After which the scope of the Overseas Commission is now being extended to all the districts.
The Overseas Commission is also being given the power to mediate so that the problems of Overseas Pakistanis can be resolved on an urgent basis at their doorsteps. The Governor Punjab said that by announcing measures for the right to vote to overseas Pakistanis, Prime Minister Imran Khan has proved that the overseas Pakistanis will not be left alone. In fact, all the promises made to them will be fulfilled. Special judges are working in the courts for the cases of overseas Pakistanis.
Chaudhry Sarwar said that only the PTI government will bring economic revolution in the country. Revival of industries in Pakistan is also creating new employment opportunities. The government has also decided to give 5% relief to industries on import duty. The federal and Punjab governments are taking all possible steps to address the problems of the business community. He said that the government has also provided cheap electricity package for the industry and additional production by industries would help in economic growth.